Tag Archives: Fractals

Signed Waves

Some experiments on the theme of waves I did last year. The idea with the first two images was to have the tubes in the background be displaced and twisted by the foreground object creating this wavy lines effect: Below, an attempt to create fake ocean waves with by creating a sine wave from the […]

Fractal Pottery

Below are some renders of pottery with KIFS fractal patterns I made a while ago with my in development SDF editing software. These were made to explore ways of projecting fractal patterns onto other objects and also the potential applications for 3D printing. Here are few examples of the quality of the editors mesh generation […]

Looping Fractal Zooms

This concept came from seeing a perfectly looping animated GIF of a zoom into 2D fractal. While the animation really looped every few seconds, the self similarity of the fractal and the lack of an noticeable cuts produced the illusion that the zoom was going on forever. This made me think about how I could […]

More Alien Vistas

Today I played around with a technique for combining different distance functions. It proved quite an effective way of producing interesting planet-like objects, among other things. Here are a few variations I encountered through experimentation: The middle panel looks like it would make a nice piece of album cover art.

Inventing On Principle Applied to Shader Editing

Recently I have been playing around with GLSL Sanbox (github), a what-you-see-is-what-you-get shader editor that runs in any WebGL capable browser (such as Firefox, Chrome and Safari). It gives you a transparent editor pane in the foreground and the resulting compiled fragment shader rendered behind it. Code is recompiled dynamically as the code changes. The […]

Remixing Distance Fields

Last year I got fairly obsessed with distance field raycasting and fractals. Recently a few developments in that field have rekindled my interest in the whole phenomenon. Most of the people playing around with the Mandelbulb and it’s variants back in early 2010 were either mathematicians or graphics programmers, and while there were some technically […]